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How to play hookey

Standard height from the floor to the center of the board is 4’ 6”, while the throwing distance should measure 6’. For players under 9 years old, set the center of the board to 4’ and the throwing distance to 5’.


Standard Game Rules


To determine who starts the match, each player throws 6 rings at the board. The player with the highest total will start and the others follow in scoring order – highest to lowest. Each player throws 6 rings at the board per turn. The total score from their turn is added to their total score for the match. If a player hooks all 6 rings in a turn, 1 EXTRA ring throw is awarded to them for that turn. The FIRST player to reach the exact score of 101 will win the match. If a player scores higher than 101 points, that ring's points will instead be subtracted from the player's total score. For example: If a player was at 95 points and threw a 7, their total would now be 102 (over the 101 goal). The 7 points would instead be subtracted from their current score and would knock them back to 88 points. Players can then continue to throw more rings if they have them.


Suggested Alternative Games


Up and Over

The player that reaches or exceeds a pre-agreed number (e.g. 50) using the FEWEST rings wins the match.


High Score

The highest score after each player has thrown three sets of rings wins the match.


Around the World

Players attempt to hook every number in sequence from 1-13. If a player hooks an incorrect number, their turn is over. This game requires increased throwing accuracy.


31 or Out

The first player to reach the EXACT score of 31 wins. For example, A player hooks a 10 followed by a 9 and then lands a 13, their total score would be 32 (too high). The player's round is now finished and they will start the next round with 0 points. This continues until someone lands on the exact score of 31.

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