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How to design your board

Designing your custom board should be an enjoyable experience from concept to finish. In saying that, certain guidelines should be considered before submitting a design or idea. 


  • Logos and copywritten designs are not permitted without the owner's consent

  • The optimal design space is roughly 9" x 9"

  • Less is often more

  • A bold design with a few colors looks better from a distance

  • Using numbers will detract from the game and is discouraged

  • Limit or forgo text as it will distract from the board numbers

  • If utilizing text, 1 or 2 large initials is all you'll need

  • Circular designs lend themselves to meld better with the game board

  • The game numbers will end up overlaying part of the design


When designing a custom board, there are two options on how the design is applied.


  1. Vinyl or Stenciled: This option will give you the sharpest looking design possible. The lines will be the cleanest and the design is the easiest to read from a distance. This would be a great option for a company logo where clarity and branding is important.

  2. Acrylic paint: Very versatile and artistic, this will give your board the most customized feel of all the options. This is a handcrafted design option and may have minor flaws that come with all paintings.

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